Trying to create automated stream overlay. Progressing slowly steadily.

Use as browser source and then chrome key filter green color in obs ? Just dummy draft content here.
More about stuff later after some working beta , oof.
Task list
- "/fastboi/?streamId=yourtwitchid". connect to twitch chat based on url params
- integrate twitch api/ package to listen to chat
- test chat commands . !fastboi | !slip trigger audio from chat
- Play video using chat command !list
- play random video from youtube meme playlist , with no youtube branding
- keep track and update player display state based on youtube embed player api events & states
- text to speech using text from chat (using web api)
- bulid config page for ease and more feature assocations (custom rewards) - ongoing
- custom rewards test whether it can triggered
- make assigning of custom rewards more user friendly
- write code docs & do typescript typesetting - ongoing
Hope to have a beta version soon